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Offerings from Tyrel Wiltse
to book -- call or text 801-898-0013

Energetic House Clearing (approx. 1-2 hours)- $350
     A full energetic clearing of the space and entities within. 
B.E.S.T. Session (30-60 minute session) - $111
Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique. Address subconscious emotional and mental blocks that manifest in your life and physical body. 
Karmic Processing (90 minute session) - $250
Address and Access the Energy necessary to create Lasting Changes in your life. 
DeFragmentation (90 minute session) - $250
Address the Thinking necessary to crystalize your Lasting Changes. A great follow-up to Karmic Processing. 
Accelerator Mentoring (10 hour block) - $1,000
Strategic Mentoring for your life or business, Applied Exactly Where, and When, You Need It.
Sessions available to fit your time and needs. Packages are also available. 
Numerology Session (30 minutes) - $111Great for guidance, special occasions, weddings, birthdays, births, anniversaries, and etc. Includes a printable file with information sent via email. This session can be done in person or remotely. 
 Energy Healing/Clearing/Balancing (90 minute session)- $350
 Intensive Energy Work To Remove Blocks and Create Healing and Flow IMMEDIATELY ~ In your Home, Your Business, and Within Yourself

Online Courses offered by Tyrel Wiltse

Abundance Economics 101, Miracles 101, and Karmic Processing 101
~ Pricing and group rates available upon request. ~
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